Rock paintings at Waniliri, Gibb River,
north-western Australia. Rock painting at Goose Camp on the
Alligator River in the Northern Territory. Group of figures painted in the x-ray style
at Nourlangie Rock, Kakadu National Park,
Northern Territory.
The upper level is an older series of spirit,
plant and animal images. The lower level is
a group of Wandjina faces, spirits of
thunder and lightening. This rock painting depicts Namarrkon
(or Namargon) - the Lightening Man - and
his wife Barkindj, the Binin (people) and the
Devil Man, Namandjolk. Encapsulated in these
forms is the interplay between lightening, rain
and fertility in Nature's eternal cycle of renewal
which is ritually celebrated by Aboriginal people
in ceremony. Top right is the figure Namarrkon, the Lightening
Man, shown with important male and female
ancestors of the present-day people.
Rock paintings at Waniliri, Gibb River,
north-western Australia.
The upper level is an older series of spirit,
plant and animal images. The lower level is
a group of Wandjina faces, spirits of
thunder and lightening.